Virtual Machine - Vagrant & Virtualbox test steps

According to @Freso and @rob in I have completed the test installation twice - both worked so far.

Steps for everyone else to test (even those running windows with a virtualization software like VMWare):

  1. Create a new virtual machine, use an ISO-Image “ubuntu-16.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso”
  2. Choose “Install OS later”, if you want to localize your virtual machine (GUI, keyboard, timezone)
  3. Create a single 100GB file and a VM with 8GB RAM, 4 Prozessor (or whatever you can offer)
  4. IMPORTANT option for Processor: ACTIVATE “Virtualize Intel VT-x/EPT or AMD-V/RVI”
  5. Install and update Ubuntu (“Software Updater”) with your language, keyboard and Timezone
  6. Username: vm, Passwort: musicbrainz (or whatever you like)
  7. In Ubuntu open a new Terminal window and execute the following commands:
    sudo apt install git
    git clone
    sudo apt install virtualbox
    to check the available Vagrant version (should be > v1.8)
    apt-cache policy vagrant
    sudo apt install vagrant
  8. Change to musicbrainz-vm directory with
    cd musicbrainz-vm
  9. Start installing musicbrainz
    sudo ./
    Sit back and watch and wait and wait and wait and wait for about 2 hours (on a fast PC, running this VM on a SSD)
    You will see many thousand lines of console output in green, red and other colors…
    Everything works fully automated, even the download of the Datadumps and the import into the database

Two hours later you will see a final " succeeded”.

The questions are now:
a) How do we start the usual Musicbrainz-Server-GUI (IP? Port?) to search for artists, releases and all other informations?
b) How do we start the replication?
c) What about the search server?

Answer for a) from the Vagrant homepage:
“Once you or someone else creates a single Vagrantfile, you just need to vagrant up and everything is installed and configured for you to work”.
For us:
Open a new terminal window and enter
cd musicbrainz-vm
sudo vagrant up
Wait, until the line
–> default: flag to force provisioning…will still run.

Then you can open FireFox inside your Ubuntu and use the following local IP:
or you can use the given IP-Address to your VM Ethernet adapter as you can find it with the command
In my case, it is
which should be available from every PC in your LAN, not only inside the VM.

To stop your local MusicBrainz-Server enter:
sudo vagrant halt

We still have to wait for a working local search server and local (re)index scripts.

The newest available VM seems not to work anymore.
The ports 5000 and 8080 listen on not on anymore.

Would be nice to see

Available from where?

As I wrote above in step 7[quote=“InvisibleMan78, post:1, topic:106334”]
git clone
[/quote]and step 9

Loads up :5000 just fine for me. (I set it up yesterday.)

Strange thing. My last setup started last night and ended this morning with listening ports on for 5000 and 8080 instead of after starting it with “sudo vagrant up”.
What is your environment? Do you use Bridge or NAT networking?

Note that “listening on” means “listening on all interfaces”.

@chirlu You are (technically) right. But neither nor localhost:5000 (with or without http://) returns a result or the expected MB-GUI.
What should I do?
(The steps for the installation are so easy, you can’t do that much wrong :wink:)

If someone is interested to get a running Docker / Vagrant version of VM in VMWare Workstation (inlcuding working Search Server and MB-GUI completely offline!)
I have added the necessary steps in

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