Being able to user Tampermonkey is relatively recent.
I didn’t understand why they selected TM but not the others, which are open source.
And can you install Stylus, now?
It was not possible, last time I checked.
The add-on collection is older but is only possible with Firefox Beta.
It seems it’s strangely not that open or easy:
opened 11:01PM - 28 Nov 23 UTC
closed 11:19PM - 28 Nov 23 UTC
Apparently extensions (add-ons) are back on **Firefox for Andr… oid** this December.
**Proposed Solution** contains links to informations on how to be part of the Android supported extensions.
opened 11:01PM - 28 Nov 23 UTC
closed 11:18PM - 28 Nov 23 UTC
Apparently extensions (add-ons) are back on **Firefox for Andr… oid** this December.
**Proposed Solution** contains links to informations on how to be part of the Android supported extensions.
I’m keeping Kiwi Android Browser for now.
Yesterday I tried Firefox 160 (current version), on my Android 9 Redmi 7, again.
Oh wow! Now at last it has Violentmonkey and Stylus support!
I briefly tested them with some userscripts like COLLECTION HIGHLIGHTER and MASS MERGE RECORDINGS, and some userstyles like mb wiki MOBILE NARROW LAYOUT FIX and HIDE LISTENBRAINZ PLAYER.
Good stuff, everything works!
The little inconveniences when editing MB with Firefox (compared to Kiwi) is that Firefox:
Does not have the devtools
Does not have the Copy link text context menu item (I use it ten times per second when editing MB, for writing my edit notes
Does not have the open link in tab group
Pauses scripts in background tabs (no good for collection loading or mass merging while doing something else in other tabs)
But still, it’s huge!
The good thing is that if you use Firefox on PC, you can certainly send tabs to and from it, like it was possible with Firefox 68.
September 10, 2024, 12:29pm
I woke up today and my userscripts don’t work on Kiwi.
How do I troubleshoot this?
1 Like
September 10, 2024, 1:31pm
Same for me … probably has to do with developer mode … but i can’t figure it out on kiwi … switched to firefox for now
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It must be Manifest v3 problem?
I’ve enabled developer mode (it’s in Extensions menu), but still same!
opened 11:29PM - 19 Sep 22 UTC
closed 10:22AM - 02 Jul 23 UTC
What are the plans regarding manifest v3 adoption, and will manifest v2 still be… supported
Especially for adblockers
opened 07:46PM - 13 Oct 23 UTC
Chrome has deprecated support for Manifest V2. I'm in a corporat… e environment so we've been able to use it this year but that ends in 2023. When Chrome drops Manifest V2 support Violentmonkey won't work anymore. Side note, MS Edge won't run Manifest V2 extensions anymore starting January, 2024.
**Proposed Solution**
Modify the project to use a V3 manifest, completely replacing V2.
**Use Cases**
When a browser does not support Manifest V2, Violentmonkey can still be installed and used.
1 Like
September 10, 2024, 8:13pm
Ah … good to know … I found now the developer switch … but as you said
1 Like
Ah it’s not because of Manifest v3, but because of a Violentmonkey regression that is being investigated:
opened 01:03PM - 10 Sep 24 UTC
<!-- Please search the existing issues first as the problem may be already repor… ted.
Please verify the bug is not fixed in the latest beta: -->
### Sequence of actions:
1. Install NGA Redirector (a simple example script)
2. Open
3. Violentmonkey shows an error:
> The script didn't exist or didn't match the URL when the page loaded, which happens in Single-Page Application sites like fb or instagram that are using fake navigation. You can reload the tab to run the script. To fix the script use @match for the entire site and then detect changes using MutationObserver or window.navigation API.
### Problem:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'inject')
at GetInjected (chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/background/index.js:1:184311)
at async Lc (chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/background/index.js:1:190682)
at async u (chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/background/index.js:1:1710) Error: callstack before invoking sendMessage:
at Proxy.<anonymous> (chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/injected.js:1:2232)
at je (chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/injected.js:1:3326)
at Ne (chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/injected.js:1:3438)
at je (chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/injected.js:1:3309)
at nt (chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/injected.js:1:4595)
at chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/injected.js:1:14212
at chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/injected.js:1:14542
at chrome-extension://jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag/injected.js:1:15295
### Expected result:
It should redirect to
#### Devtools console contents:
Same as "Problem"
#### Environment:
- OS: Android
- Browser: Kiwi Browser 124.0.6327.4
- Violentmonkey Version: 2.21.0
This script is work fine with 2.20.0
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Is the same Violentmonkey new version 2.21.0 working good on Firefox for Android?
September 12, 2024, 7:26am
Oops I somehow messed up Tampermonkey with Violentmonkey… I’m actually using the former but Tampermonkey is also not working in kiwi anymore for me … that’s why I switched to Firefox for now
Yes!! Violentmonkey works again!! Thanks to version 2.22.0!
I was unable to edit for a moment!
January 27, 2025, 11:54pm
This isn’t a userscript issue, today Kiwi browser had an update and it messed something up.
Anyone else has this issue? Cc @jesus2099
1 Like
I have version 124.0.6327.4
and no problems.
What is your version?
Oh now I see there is a version awaiting for install. I will not update, for the moment, then… Thanks for the warning.
It’s not a userscript problem, it’s a stylesheet isue, right?
Maybe you can try to submit a bug…
Wow, all repos have been archived , it’s scary.
Or it’s good news?!
They say extension support has been added to something called Microsoft Edge Canary !
However I doubt that it wlil have the webdev tools debugging console, copy link text and everything, as Kiwi has…
I will go back again to Firefox, once Kiwi does not work any more, maybe…
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January 28, 2025, 12:53am
Sad. I wish I can downgrade Kiwi without reinstalling my userscripts.
Open in new tab group and copy link text is so important for me.
January 28, 2025, 2:14am
For now I downgraded to an older Kiwi Version.
(Pretty easy to just save a backup of Violentmonkey settings and import:))
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If somebody is interested in userscript on ios.
An open-source userscript manager for Safari
This worked for me (only tested with my sanojjonas userscript)
Seems too late but I think you could have used the export/import feature, for this.
Anyway, with Kiwi being abandoned, I have to find a good replacement Android browser (once again) with:
Full Violentmonkey support (using browser extension store)
Full Stylus support (using browser extension store)
WebDev tools (JavaScript debug console, CSS element inspector, Network inspector, Storage inspector, …)
Copy link text context menu item
Same CSS issue with Kiwi Browser 132.0.6961.0.
It’s a pity this no input borders regression and another Stylus not always loading regression were created in this final version , just before closing the GitHub project.
But we could have had much worse regressions, I think we’re lucky.
The no input borders regression could be fixed with a simple userstyle for MB.
But for now, I can live with it.
I’m more focusing on finding another Android browser.