Ubuntu 16.10 build as failed

I would like to give a try at 1.4 but unless I’m mistaken can’t install it. Message said build as failed.
On the dev Daily. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:musicbrainz-developers/daily

Thank you

I decided to install it manually from the master… On top of it now I have 1.4.1 !
Nothing can beat the master version.

I’ll keep you posted on my progress from here.
Have a nice one.:slight_smile:

The musicbrainz-developers/daily builds fetch Picard’s source in git via a bazaar “mirror”. This is currently broken since some of the contributors (GPG) sign their commits. There is a ticket for fixing the PPA here:

Note that 1.4.1 hasn’t actually been released yet. :slight_smile: What you have is a development build on the path to 1.4.1. It has a few new things on top of 1.4, but it isn’t quite 1.4.1 yet. :wink:

No worry

OK not 1.4.1 but hey! :sunglasses:

Tk’s for the reply.