Trying to get high/low level data by api rest call but getting 404

Hey everyone,
I’m trying to get metadata by rest API call following: Web API — AcousticBrainz 1.0.0 documentation
*Base URL:
*Endpoint: GET /api/v1/mbid/high-level

I extracted the MBID from Musicbrainz:

and the actual call is:

Does anyone know why it doesn’t work for MBID by MusicBriaze? or maybe I need to put the value of the record id instead? if so - where i can find that record id?

Thanks for any help!


Yes, I think the recording id should be used instead.

b23174de-9120-4324-af29-40e910c088c2 is a release (i.e. an album, even if it only has one song here).

The recording mbid (i.e. the song) is a655f293-ea2a-4eec-abc0-31d1c91ebbc5
There’s a link on the song title. You can also get it with MusicBrainz Picard.

With the recording mbid, the link is:

I hope I’m not talking nonsense.


Thanks man!
could you please point to the link of the recording mbid? couldn’t find it on the song title…

could you please point to the link of the recording mbid? couldn’t find it on the song title…

On the release page:
On the title of the song, here Oh My God.

You can copy the link, or click on it and look in your browser’s address bar.
For this song, the web address of the recording page is .
And the recording mbid is a655f293-ea2a-4eec-abc0-31d1c91ebbc5 .

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now I see it, thank you :slight_smile: