I’m just getting started with Troi and trying to wrap my head around it a bit while I wait for my Listenbrainz recommendations to generate. I’ve got a local navidrome db which I’ve connected troi to successfully, but am trying to figure out the right way to use periodic-jams-local - the help page in the cli suggests periodic-jams-local [OPTIONS] USER_NAME, but running that returns a no such command error. Trying to run it with the playlist command tells me to invoke it with the specific troi function - what is that function?
troi weekly-jams jennifilm works fine for me but returns just two tracks - my local collection is relatively small for now, so that’s probably expected.
Running troi periodic-jams-local returns that help text (Usage: periodic-jams-local [OPTIONS] USER_NAME) but running troi period-jams-local -u jennifilm returns the This is a local patch and should be invoked via the specific troi function, rather than the playlist function. error
Music collection is all tagged fine and I’ve generated the metadata fine. I guess I’m looking for the right way to create a daily-jams playlist resolved to the local collection? I can see the local>periodic_jams_local.py patch in the repo and I’ve seen on another answer that that’s the one to use, but I can’t figure out how to run it.