This has got to be the weirdest release title I've ever entered

High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: The Soundtrack: The Final Season

See the cover:

Is that correct? I’m still contemplating whether I should include “Music from the Original Series” as well lol


Can it hold a candle to this…?


This one’s so long that the track title is truncated on streaming services.


if it were a CD release, I’d probably go with “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series: The Soundtrack: The Final Season (Music From the Original Series)”, but since this is a digital release, I’d personally favor the title given there, namely “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (Original Soundtrack/The Final Season)”

if you do decide to change the title, be sure to note that in the annotation as well as adding release/release group aliases


Rookie Numbers. :rofl: I’ll raise you a Guinness World Record Holder

At 156 words, 865 characters: The Boy Bands Have Won, and All the Copyists and the Tribute Bands and the TV Talent Show Producers Have Won, If We Allow Our Culture to Be Shaped by Mimicry, Whether From Lack of Ideas or From Exaggerated Respect. You Should Never Try to Freeze Culture. What You Can Do Is Recycle That Culture. Take Your Older Brother’s Hand-Me-Down Jacket and Re-Style It, Re-Fashion It to the Point Where It Becomes Your Own. But Don’t Just Regurgitate Creative History, or Hold Art and Music and Literature as Fixed, Untouchable and Kept Under Glass. The People Who Try to ‘Guard’ Any Particular Form of Music Are, Like the Copyists and Manufactured Bands, Doing It the Worst Disservice, Because the Only Thing That You Can Do to Music That Will Damage It Is Not Change It, Not Make It Your Own. Because Then It Dies, Then It’s Over, Then It’s Done, and the Boy Bands Have Won. (Or The Boy Bands Have Won for short)

Oh - and as to the original question. You seemed to have forgotten “Disney

I am sure some of these just do it to wind up us database people. As to those using a Picard script to rename files… whoops. :rofl: I hope you have a test for max character limits. “High School…” hits 111 characters


I rather go for what’s on the cover. Streaming platforms change titles all the time and there’s even differences between different platforms for the same release. Album covers are usually consistent and when they do change, it becomes a new release so it won’t mess with the original release.

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pretty well known…

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