You’re right in all points, @IvanDobsky!
I was a Winamp user too.
Thanks for that topic!!
Unicode is what made me reluctantly switch to foobar2000 but after 2 weeks I was completely baffled by how incredibly perfect it was in general.
Everything was so simple and extensible.
Everything that came to mind was possible!
- I need Unicode? OK, just look and type
- I need to play my stuff in mono? OK, add that mono filter
- I need to copy paste text or to drag and drop stuff? OK, just do it
- I need mass tag? OK, just select them and Alt+Enter or right-click Properties
- I need global hotkeys? OK, check that Option and define whatever you want
- I need tagging my CD in drive or WAV files in Unicode? OK, just do it
- I need ripping CD? OK, right-click Convert
- I need bigger text so it’s readable? OK
- I need to search the web or MusicBrainz from files? OK, do want anything else, it’s all possible