Taggerscript: foobar2000-compatible Vorbis Comment sort tags (for FLAC/OGG/OPUS)

foobar2000 maps MP3/M4A sort tags to “…SORTORDER” fields, but Picard only maps them to “…sort” fields. This moves the Picard-default Vorbis Comment fields for better compatible with a mixed-format library in foobar2000.

$noop(Use foobar2000's naming. Make sure not to run this on MP3, as it will cause TXXX to shadow TSOP/etc.)
$set(albumartistsortorder,%albumartistsort%) $unset(albumartistsort)
$set(artistsortorder,%artistsort%) $unset(artistsort)
$set(composersortorder,%composersort%) $unset(composersort)
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This is a useful script for the toolbox.

Of course, it would be better if Picard and foobar2000 both used common tag names. The question should, however, be asked as to whether Picard or foobar is using the “correct” tags - assuming that there is a de-jure or de-facto standard for this because tagging does not have e.g. any international standards or even a body who could arbitrate such de-facto standards - so it comes down to each tagging tool having to look at what every other tagging tool does and what players look for, and usually life it simply too short for this to be done on a regular basis.

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The majority of tools use *SORT tags for Vorbis, foobar2000 is the only one I know of which uses *SORTORDER. That naming is probably derived from WMA/ASF tags, where *SortOrder tags are defined.