Tagger script for formatting Involved People

Hi All,
I recently saw a post that had an awesome script for setting & formatting the Involved People List field in a visually pleasing manner. I have been unable to find it again to make use of it. Which is disappointing because of my lack of knowledge with scripting. If someone is able to link me to the post that would be greatly appreciated.

The script formatted the Involved People tags in the following format: Produced by: Person; Mixed by: Person; Engineered by: Person; Arranged by: Person;Written by: Person etc etc.

Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks to all for a great program.
Regards Aaron

IMO this is NOT a good idea - because tags are supposed to contain raw data and not be formatted to a particular style (formatting being a function of the UI that is displaying the data - including user friendly descriptions, internationalisation etc.).

You might be better off switching from ID3v2.3 to ID3v2.4 because the enhanced format has multiple fields for different roles - but test your files will work with you player before you switch wholesale.

Hi Sophist,
Thank you for your feedback. I’m already using ID2.4 tags, but after pondering your advice I’m now wondering how it would look if I was too format each of these tags in their own separate fields.
Ie: Produced by: Person 1, Person 2
Engineered by: Person 1
Mixed by: Person 1
Written by: Person 1, Person 2
Arranged by: Person 1

This format suits my needs and works well with the music player (Musicbee) I use to display these tags.
Appreciate your time.

Is this like what you are aiming for?:

I’m pretty sure it’s explained on the MusicBee forum how that can be done.