'TagCoverArtImage' object has no attribute 'sourcefile'

I have several files that are flagged as errors with this error message. Seems like an issue with the cover art … that should not flag it so it won’t recognize it? How can I resolve this issue? I searched Google and here but could not find this exact error.

This is almost certainly a bug in Picard and that is why you won’t find it with an online search.

  1. What version of Picard are you running?
  2. What is your operating system version?
  3. Please enable the Debug/Error log, recreate the error and then copy and paste the last few messages in the error log here.


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Picard 2.10
Windows 11 (latest updates)

Error log of one of the bad files here:

E: 09:50:41,360 util/thread.run:69: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “coverart\image.py”, line 180, in init
File “coverart\image.py”, line 311, in id3_type
File “enum.py”, line 339, in call
File “enum.py”, line 663, in new
ValueError: 208 is not a valid Id3ImageType

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “util\thread.py”, line 66, in run
File “file.py”, line 240, in load_check
File “formats\id3.py”, line 345, in load
File “coverart\image.py”, line 464, in init
File “coverart\image.py”, line 182, in init
File "logging_init
.py", line 1458, in warning
File "logging_init
.py", line 1589, in log
File "logging_init
.py", line 1599, in handle
File “logging_init_.py”, line 1661, in callHandlers
File “logging_init_.py”, line 954, in handle
File “log.py”, line 95, in emit
File “logging_init_.py”, line 929, in format
File “logging_init_.py”, line 668, in format
File “logging_init_.py”, line 373, in getMessage
File “coverart\image.py”, line 232, in repr
File “coverart\image.py”, line 480, in _repr
AttributeError: ‘TagCoverArtImage’ object has no attribute ‘sourcefile’

Thanks for the details. That’s interesting, the file seems to be tagged with an embedded image which has a non-standard image type set.

Interestingly this issue was supposed to be fixed with [PICARD-2774] Error: 255 is not a valid Id3ImageType - MetaBrainz JIRA , but it seems to be not sufficient.

But maybe we can do even better and add support for this non-standard types if we know more about them. I didn’t get an answer back on that ticket, but maybe you know which software added this cover art and whether other tools (e.g. MP3 tag) show some meaningful cover art type for the image in this file?

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I am not sure what program to be honest … this library has been through so many tools it isn’t even funny. The image is just a lo-res (184x163) PNG file. The meta shows encoded by iTunes but that is all I can find.

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I created the ticket [PICARD-2814] Error loading files with invalid / unknown ID3 cover art type - MetaBrainz JIRA and will provide a fix for the next release.


I just downloaded 2.11 RC1 and this issue is fixed. Thank you!