[STYLE-816, STYLE-817] Area guidelines for Labels / accompanying Area-Label "headquarters" relationship

Two tickets for the price of one! https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/STYLE-816 https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/STYLE-817

I’ve noticed a lot of editors have been editing Labels to add the city where their headquarters are located as their Area. This has never sit well with me, and AFAIK it’s never been formally discussed (the guidelines on it are out of date, as I pointed out in the first ticket). The second ticket is a proposed solution to this problem: a relationship linking the headquarters location while retaining the label’s Area as the country it serves.


As for the second ticket (STYLE-817), I don’t think having the headquarters location is that helpful a relationship to have in the database (but of course there are existing relations that aren’t very useful either). It doesn’t help identify the label without needing the user to go into research (or substantial research for small labels).

For the first ticket (STYLE-816), I agree that the guidelines need to be updated. I also propose to allow a label to have multiple areas as their areas of service.