[STYLE-1205/6] Award ceremonies as events

I’ve mulled this over for a while, but I think it might be a good idea to add “Award ceremony” to the list of event types (if only for the sake of releases like this one) as well as a series type to list them. What does MB think about this?

(This thread encompasses two tickets: one for events, and one for series.)


I am not sure what my position is on this, it could be handled with an AC on the place relationship “Shrine Auditorium (1985 Grammy Awards)”. Since these are from “events/performances” maybe instead of a “place relationship” it should be a “event relationship” with an AC like “Shrine Auditorium (1985 Grammy Awards)”. Hope that make since.

Not sure why we need to use AC, since we can link a recording to both its event and place of recording.

You both are missing the point. The tickets I posted above are to add new event and series types for awards ceremonies. I have no idea where artist credits would come into play.


I support your proposals. I’m working on a list of award ceremonies so they will be very useful.


Its not that I missed the point as I had read through the tickets and the prior discussion, I did not understand what an “event” was until I just now went through the documentation and started looking at other events. A new world of documenting has been opened to me, thanks.

Yes I agree, now I need to figure out how to vote on it and a couple of others.

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Do you have a JIRA account? You need it to create, comment or vote on tickets.


I finally got around to adding these, both an event and a series type :slight_smile: Hopefully people will still find a us for them after 3 years…


I have updated Event - MusicBrainz Wiki to include the new event types. Please transclude when you have time and are OK with the changes.


Holy moly! Yaay, now to update the ones I submitted :sweat_smile:


Edit - updated mine and various others :grin:


Thanks! I changed a couple things back to match the event type description stored in the database (although they might be actual improvements over the current description, but for now we should keep them in sync), then transcluded the additions :slight_smile: