Streaming_extractor_music (Linux) needs updating

I ran abzsubmit this morning (which failed), and just traced down some kernel messages to it:

Jan 12 11:24:30 Zia kernel: streaming_extra[12244] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:7ffda545bf78 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:0 di:7ffda545bfa0
Jan 12 11:24:30 Zia kernel: streaming_extra[12244]: segfault at ffffffffff600000 ip ffffffffff600000 sp 00007ffda545bf78 error 15
Jan 12 11:24:31 Zia kernel: streaming_extra[12259] vsyscall attempted with vsyscall=none ip:ffffffffff600000 cs:33 sp:7ffcc9119348 ax:ffffffffff600000 si:0 di:7ffcc9119370
Jan 12 11:24:31 Zia kernel: streaming_extra[12259]: segfault at ffffffffff600000 ip ffffffffff600000 sp 00007ffcc9119348 error 15

That’s streaming_extractor_music apparently still using the old x86_64 vsyscall interface, which Debian has disabled (for security reasons) in it’s 4.8 kernel. That leaves the program completely broken. That’s currently just in testing/unstable, but will be part of the next stable release due out this spring.

And of course you all ask that I use your static binary instead of building my own—so someone there needs to rebuild it.

[edit: looking into it further, Debian has reverted the change for Stretch, but will bring it back for Stretch+1. So not as urgent.]


Ah, so that’s why my binary broke! I switched back to using the 32-bit extractor binary, and I forgot all about going back to investigate what was really going on. Thank you for doing the research for me! :smiley:

Thanks for reporting this. I’ve reported it upstream in essentia, and we’ll try and get it fixed for the next release that we make of the extractor tool


Somehow I forgot all about this and opened a duplicate issue:

@alastairp Any ETA when the next release will be? The 32-bit might be what I’m hitting with :see_no_evil: