I can answer your questions.
There is a separate database called playbackhistory@songbirdnest.com.db
It uses media_item_guid as a reference to the file within the main database. I don’t know how easy it would be to make this data useful but the information is there.
To view last played: Open Nightingale. Hover over the music library column names above your music (Title, Artist, Album, etc). Right click and it should provide you with a popup menu with additional fields you can add. One of those fields is Last Played. Add that, then you can sort your library based on the track you most recently played.
Any time I install Nightingale on a computer, I always customize my columns to suit my preferences as follows: Time, Title, Artist, Album, Year, Rating, Genre, Date Added, Play Count, Last Played. Super useful that way.
By default, I prefer to sort my master playlist either by Date Added, or by Artist. Sometimes sorting by Rating is helpful in conjunction with library searches to prioritize higher rated songs when creating playlists.
For Party Ruffle addon/feature, I list them by #, Time, Title, Artist, Album, Year, Rating, Genre, Play Count
Additionally you can create a smart playlist that maintains a selection of songs most recently played.
I still believe this is the best music player out there which is why I continue to use it.
I run SQLite to view and edit the database, but I prefer not to. Sometimes I just delete an album, do all the tagging revisions I need to do within Tag (made by Stephen F. Booth for OSX). I do this because Nightingale in OSX will not save database changes to FLAC files, so while I can modify the way the track is displayed from Nightingale I prefer to have the data updated within the song file itself.
Let me know if you have any other questions about Nightingale. The only other thing I can add is that you have to use Wayback Machine in order to access addons for the software since the official website no longer has a functioning downloads page for the addons.