Something wrong with AcoustID-Server again!

The drop at 10:30 was caused by deploying this sooner than I originally planned - AcoustID will stop accepting fingerprints without metadata | AcoustID News and Updates

The 18:00 was me doing some database cleanup and starting about 10x more importer processes.


That’s totally got be me, sorry. I’ve been adding a bunch of audiobooks to MusicBrainz recently. Releases from contain chapters split by mp3s, and I’ve been submitting fingerprints for those. A couple of books from the Stormlight Archive I submitted have close to two hundred chapters each.

Sorry to increase your workload. Let me know if there’s anything I can do that would help.


That’s fine, there was a secondary issue with the database. With the increased workers, you can continue and it should be OK


I’m struggling to get any new AcoustIDs added - even some that I submitted ~2 weeks ago aren’t showing up. Is it possible they’re still queued, or should I assume they’re lost and resubmit?

I just submitted a few more and noted one of the IDs so I can check the submission_status API over the next few days/weeks (currently pending, which makes sense).

In the first few days, the acoustid server response was much better. The acoustids were visible in MusicBrainz in a flash when I sent new MusicBrainz pairings to AcoustID.
At the moment there is still a strong, strong delay

My big batch of submissions from a couple of weeks ago have finally appeared - there is hope!


The import process now caught up with the long queue, so new submissions should be pretty quick to import from now on.


Thanks for this good news!

This is how it looks if the import process is able to handle all new submissions
(since about 13.30 Uhr on this chart) - the yellow and green line are pretty equal.



Thanx for the chart. :wink: