[SOLVED] Newly added release not showing in site Tag Lookup or MB Picard

Hi all,

I added a release yesterday, release group here https://beta.musicbrainz.org/release-group/929fd8fa-1beb-4446-af9a-09b650e76eb2, and usually, it takes between 5 to 10 minutes before Picard can see the new addition. Well with this specific addition, both Picard and Browser lookup cannot see this release at all, even when search rgid:929fd8fa-1beb-4446-af9a-09b650e76eb2 or even reid:7da21d53-b7ed-47dc-8ee1-908dee0607a9 for the one I want to use. I thought it might have been something to do with the recent Picard update, so rolled back, but clearly the web tag lookup is having the same issue for me. Can someone test and verify they have the same thing?

You can work around such issues by appending ?tport=8000 to the URL of the release, which makes the green tagger button appear. Clicking on it while Picard is open should load the release immediately, without going through search.


Ohhh that’s what that is for, wow. Thanks for the tip!

See also


The sections about Browser Lookup and Manual Lookup.