I may be missing something but is it possible to see how many listens you have for a band without going to the stats page and sifting through Top artists of All Time? Say, clicking on a band displays how many plays that you have along with the other info?
I know I said “Soon”, but doing it for recordings made me stuck in refactoring hell…
Anyways, for recordings it’s quite simple when using listenbrainz-cli-tools. You just have to use this command: listenbrainz-cli-tools lookup <USERNAME> recording <ID>
For example: listenbrainz-cli-tools lookup RustyNova recording https://musicbrainz.org/recording/aae44009-6745-40ae-a477-f215c4f76488
It gives more than just the listen count too, like first listen date or average listen rate, so can be interesting to check it nonetheless.
i saw it has /1/user/(user_name )/listen-count (which is a users overal listen-count)
if it had an extra parameter for the artist then it might get solved with a userscript i guess…