Scrobbling Apple Music songs to ListenBrainz via Shortcut

Greeting, Everyone!

I am happy to share an iOS shortcut I made which you could use on your iPhone while listening to the Apple Music app to submit listens to the ListenBrainz server.

Unlike Android, iOS doesn’t provide the notification access to third party apps to scrobble songs directly. This shortcut comes in handy for those looking to submit listens manually to the server and keep a track of their listening history.

We have an iOS app in the pipeline and hopefully we can add more such features to the app as we progress.

In order to use this shortcut properly, go to edit and scroll down to the section as shown in the screenshot to add your ListenBrainz token after the word Token so that you can submit listens to your account.

Let me know if you have any questions or need any help!


doo you also have a solution to run this shortcut automatically when the song changes?

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Not right now since this is a manual step unfortunately. We are exploring if the ListenBrainz iOS app could submit automatically though.


i was trying to loop the shortcut by waiting at the end for {duration of song} - {playtime} + 5 seconds but if it runs again it will keep the same current song info. it doesn’t get fetched again for some reason

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Interesting take. Can you please try adding a Repeat action at the beginning with a large number and End Repeat at the end? Just before the ending, add a Wait action for 5-10secs

i tried adding the repeat, but then it just track the same song

It’s still working well. I set the “side button” on my iphone to run the shortcut.


Love that, sounds awesome! :100: :two_hearts:

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