Script to Change %album% to "%artist% - %title% (Single)"

New to scripting and would greatly appreciate some help with writing a script to set the %album% tag to “%artist% - %title% (Single)”. Essentially “[Artist] - [Song Name] (Single)” with " - " and " (Single)" being just plain text.

I did have a script that I was working on to perform this task but, it seems to have since disappeared, maybe due to updating the program recently? Not sure why else it would have, unless I didn’t save it properly but, it was available in context menu so I don’t know. Doesn’t really matter, that script didn’t work anyways.

Thank you.

$set(album,%artist% - %title% \(Single\))

Set the script to disabled (uncheck the checkbox) so it does not run automatically, as you probably don’t want this applied to all tracks. As before you can run it then manually via context menu.