Edit: So I don’t think there are any variables I can use to say, if this put images here. The only image related variables I can find are coverart_maintype
, coverart_types
, and coverart_comment
Am I right in thinking that the Cover Art tab in the options is the only place I can tell Picard to do something with images, and that any path will always be relative to the file being read? Maybe I can suss something out.
Here’s my rename script anyway:
Replace ... with …
Organise files by filetype.
Organise files under Album Artist
Organise promotional releases away from official releases
Organise release types
Format release main directory
%originalyear% -
%albumartist% —
[no label])),\,
Include information on release format
Single disc
Digital$if($gt(%_bits_per_sample%,16), @ %_bits_per_sample%bit,)$if($gt(%_sample_rate%,44100), $div(%_sample_rate%,1000)kHz,)$if(%_releasecomment%, • %_releasecomment%,),
Multi disc
Digital$if($gt(%_bits_per_sample%,16), @ %_bits_per_sample%bit,)$if($gt(%_sample_rate%,44100), $div(%_sample_rate%,1000)kHz,)$if(%_releasecomment%, • %_releasecomment%,),
%totaldiscs%×%media%\, ,
Where was release issued?
If there is a cat number, include it at the end of the main release directory name
Sort discs into subdirectories
If is complete
Helps deal with releases where the end disc(s) are DVDs etc, and not present in sorted files.
Prepend release format to folder, if format not digital
%media% ,
$pad(%discnumber%,2,0). ,)
If is incomplete
Prepend release format to folder, if format not digital
%media% ,
$pad(%discnumber%,2,0). ,)
Use vinyl numbering, if it applies.
disc-track. title.ext
). %title%,
). %title%