Retagging Entire Library; Showing A/B Sides, only want the ONE song

When I am doing a lookup of my songs, I get the singles, as they were for A/B side

I simply want my lookups to re-tag my songs with
Single Art (if any)
Artis - Song Title and Year of release

I’m re-doing my directories by decades, and years as sub directories

What can I do to lose the B-side or any other extra tracks in my tagging?

The example you have highlighted only matched the B side track. You can tell as there is a GREEEN square to show a perfect match. There is no A side track there as the music symbol tells you nothing was found.

So it has kinda already done what you asked and only matched one track.

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I’m confused.

That looks like it is tagging both the A and B side

It’s one song and I want it to tag the correct song. What am I missing?

You only have one file, for one of the two tracks on the single. Just ignore the other track. There is no file attached to it.


The only file there is “Never Be Anyone Else but You”. You can tell this by the Green Box icon.

The musical note icon says there is no file. “It’s Late” is just a empty gap letting you know what the A side would have been.

You can confirm this by selecting the file. Check on the bottom status bar of Picard and you’ll see the filename. When highlighted on It’s Late there is nothing to display as there is no file to match.