I’ve been working on development of a python based application that takes advantage of the musicbrainz API. I call get_artist_by_id to look up specific artists and I wanted to also try and include the Country of Origin for the artist if the data is there. I began to notice in my testing that there were quite a few artists that did not return Country of Origin so I investigated. I found that there were quite a few artists that would return more detailed Geographic information (ex: Chicago instead of US) and these cases would not list a country at all. I tried a few of the includes=[] to see if any would provide more data but saw no success. My next step was to take the ID for the area returned and perform a get_area_by_id to see if I could get that to return the country that housed whatever the area may be. I was unsuccessful with that endeavor as well, even toying with the includes=[] for that function. I am wondering if I am missing something for how to get the Country that an area belongs in or to just return the Country when calling information about an artist. I apologize if this question is already answered somewhere and I have missed it.
TL;DR: How to get country of origin and only country (no city/province/state/region/etc.) of an artist using the python api