Problems connecting to MusicBrainz

Picard version 2.8.5 On macOS 12.6

Picard appears not be able to connect to the database.
I’ve attached error messages from trying lookup operations. Scan doesn’t work either. I’ve tried multiple albums. I have no plugins installed.

I do have Picard working on another computer running MacOS 12.6 on the same network, so it does not seem like a broad network/firewall issue, album data issue, or musicbrainz server issue.

With now success, a couple of times now, I’ve tried to reinstall after deleting everything I could find on the computer:
Library/Saved Application State/org.musicbrainz.Picard.savedState

Any thoughts on this problem?
Thanks in advance.


E: 09:29:49,462 webservice/init._handle_reply:516: Network request error for https:/ / Cash%29 release%3A%28Johnny Cash Is Coming To Town%29 tracks%3A%2810%29: Operation canceled (QT code 5, HTTP code 0)

E: 09:30:00,018 webservice/init._handle_reply:516: Network request error for https:/ / Operation canceled (QT code 5, HTTP code 0)

E: 09:30:00,021 acoustid/init._on_lookup_finished:93: AcoustID: Lookup network error for ‘/Users/#####/Desktop/1987 - Johnny Cash Is Coming To Town/02 - The Ballad of Barbara.mp3’: ‘Operation canceled’, b’’

E: 09:30:00,024 file._lookup_finished:803: Network error encountered during the lookup for /Users/#####/Desktop/1987 - Johnny Cash Is Coming To Town/02 - The Ballad of Barbara.mp3. Error code: 5

[repeats for rest of songs on album]

The errors are a bit strange. The error code 5 would be given by Qt if the network request gets cancelled. In Picard network requests get cancelled if you close Picard or to some degree if you remove a release before it has been loaded.

Did the errors show up during normal operation or did you close Picard while the requests were still active?

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Thank you for your comment. I just went to rerun Picard to confirm I wasn’t closing while the search was active and it was just ending.
Based on your comment it occurred to me that the error could be because I was running Lulu (firewall software from ObjectiveSee). I checked and Lulu was blocking all Picard port(s). I’ve fixed that rule and am now everything is working A+.It’s something I probably should have thought of before posting, but hopefully this post can help someone else if needed.
outsidecontext–Thanks again for taking the time to respond to this.