Problem with the new connect

I previously regularly imported my data manually. But as I’ve heard about the new possibily to connect with your account, I purged all my listens and used this function instead.

But there is one problem: If past scrobbles are added (e.g. because they were cached, or you used with standard settings) but other scrobbles have already been added that were synced with listenbrainz, those past scrobbles won’t be added to listenbrainz.

My example: Yesterday I listened to music with my music player foobar2000 until 10:02 pm (listening to Garoad’s VA-11 HALL-A - Second Round). About one hour later I manually scrobbled the first disc of Venom’s In Nomine Satanas - The Neat Anthology (40 Years In Sodom) and Depravation’s II​:​MALEDICTVM. (When manually scrobbling I don’t really care that much about the accuracy of the timestamp.) You can notice the difference between my scrobbles and my listenbrainz listens. Listenbrainz only synced those Venom and Deprevation scrobbles after the last Garoad scrobble.

I know my problem is very niche, but I think this can also be a problem with cached scrobbles.

Edit: Sorry, I’m stupid and now I’ve deleted my listenbrainz listens so I can go back to manually importing history. So my example is less helpful now, but hopefully my explanation is enough.

Pinging @lucifer on this issue.


I guess I’ll use the connect despite my concerns now that the old import is no longer available.
I’ll try to make sure I use openscrobbler in a way it hopefully doesn’t mess up the sync.