Good morning, I’m new to musicbrain and I would like to ask if there is already a plugin capable of selecting songs from a local db (mp3/Wav etc.) choosing them based on rules based both on tags (genre, bpm, artist) and also with rules proprietary after strengthening one or more additional and specific tags. The plug, for example, would be used by radio broadcasters to create playlists, allowing the generation of a csv file in which songs taken from the database are proposed based on the rules mentioned. Before embarking on the task of creating a Python plugin, I wanted to know if something similar already existed and if anything needed to be changed. Thanks to anyone who wants to respond.
sounds very interesting.
i would like something similar.
ideally i would like to create a playlist of songs based on artist that play on a festival. (to automaticly create festival playlist)
ideally it would take account for when the event took place. so that if you would create a playlist of a past event that only songs that where released are in the playlist. or even more ideally, it would use the setlist of that event.
bonus points to create a playlist for a user to only have his “liked” artists in that playlist.
Hi and welcome!
We have the troi project for this very reason:
It is a pipeline playlisting architecture that we use for our recommendations and other experiments for making interesting playlists. It supports local and global content, meaning that playlists can be made globally and resolved to services like spotify. Or it can make local playlists based and resolved to your local music collection.
The docs are here:
Troi Playlisting Engine — Troi 0.1.0 documentation
Let me know if you have any questions!
A thousand thanks. I will definitely watch again thanks