Plugin development debugging

I am developing a plugin for Picard and find the debugging process tedious at best. I have to make changes to my plugin, go in to Picard and delete the existing version, reads the plugin, then test by hand. If there is a problem I have to go through that whole process again.

Is there a better way I am missing?


You don’t have to delete your plugin. Just place your plugin code directly in your plugins directory and you can edit in place. Or create a symlink inside the plugin directory to the location of your code, that is what I usually do. Then you only have to restart Picard after a change (there is no way around that, though).


To be clear, I want to do ongoing development. So I will be making constant little changes to the python code. Just wondering if there is a way to get Picard to use the latest version of the script without have to restart it or load and unload the plugin.

If there is no way, that’s a real shame. Make developing plugins a real chore.

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