Picard won't save one track


I am currently using Picard 1.4.0dev5 on Windows 10 64 bits. I am trying to tag a 12 tracks album. Scanning did not bring my album so I used the CD lookup to bring it in Picard. Then I drew the files to the album, corrected a few tracks which did no match spontaneously (for some reason all lengths are off by 4 seconds), then hit Submit and Save. I got a red Stop sign beside the first track, all other tracks with a green mark. I pressed save again, tried setting the focus on the track before saving, setting it off the track, and different other things. Still the Stop sign stayed there. I checked in the error log but all I found were messages about the CDROM not being plugged on the correct drive letter. I closed Picard and restarted it, put the track in again. Picard loaded the correct album immediately and got a green check mark beside the first track. But pressing Save still turned it red. So I went to look at the directory contents and discovered 10 perfectly renamed copies of track 1! I guess all in all I had pressed 10 times on the Save button.

So that I have now 2 perfectly identical files, one named Track01, and one “Two concert studies(…)”. I checked, Track1 does have the correct tags, the only difference is in the file name. I exited Picard, loaded it again, loaded the track, pressed Save and this time the track did not get a Stop sign. I now have “Two concert studies(…)” and “Two concert studies(…) (1)”.

HI davitof :slight_smile:

First of all:

[quote=“davitof, post:1, topic:178100”]
hit Submit[/quote]

The submit button submits AcoustIDs (if you’ve scanned your files). Please only do this if you’re 100% sure you’ve matched your tracks to the right release (eg CD vs digital). Because your tracks are 4 seconds off you may have a different version.
If you are happy to make sure you’re submitting correct AcoustID’s, it’s much appreciated, but for tagging your files you can happily ignore that button.

Secondly, what is your question exactly? Sorry, I lost the thread somewhere in your post > <
Usually a red stop sign means it can’t write the file because you’re playing it in a media player, or the file is set to read-only, or similar. I’m not sure why it would display it and also copy the file…

As aerozol said, the red stop sign indicates an error. When this happens you can usually see more details in Help > View Error/Debug Log. Without this info we can only guess, but usually it is the file being in use or write protected.

The fact Picard created a copy is a bit strange. Is the file on a normal disk or maybe a network share? Because Picard performs a rename operation on the file, but on some network shares a direct rename is not possible and leads to a copy then delete. This could maybe explain what happened here.

Hello aerozol

About Submit: I pressed Submit because Picard did not find my untagged mp3. barcodes matches, catalog number matches, I am pretty sure this is the correct release :slight_smile:
I restarted from the wav files: I don’t know why, I exaggerated the time differences in my explanations: there are only 5 tracks off, and in each case my tracks are between 3 to 5 seconds longer than the MB recordings. The wav lengths match the mp3 lengths, so this is not an encoding bug (I am using VBR, so there could have been a be a problem here).

Yes, I forgot to state my question: “Is the saving problem a bug?” I don’t usually report this kind of glitch, but since this is a dev version, I think it is better to let devs decide if this a bug or not.

I don’t know how Picard does this:

  • track01.mp3 tagged and overwritten to track01.mp3 then renamed to CorrectName.mp3
  • directly written to CorrectName.mp3 and then track01.mp3 deleted?

Hello outsidecontext,

I am using a simple local drive: partition D: from my internal hard disc. No share on this folder either.

The best you can do is to provide full debug log so we can help you on this issue.
See https://picard.musicbrainz.org/docs/troubleshooting/ on how to enable debug log (using -d option or from UI).

Hello Zas,

OK, I just tried your suggestion.

I restarted from the untagged mp3 files. BTW, I ran into another issue: I couldn’t load the album from my Firefox browser, the green tagger button wouldn’t send the album into Picard. So that I had to put back the CD to use the CD lookup. I got the same 5 tracks mismatches because of lengths which I manually fixed by moving the files to the correct tracks. Of course this time the Submit button wasn’t available, so that I directly I pressed Save, and everything ran smoothly, no Stop sign this time. I am not sure this will be useful now, but here is the log:

D: 09:04:32 Debug mode on
D: 09:04:32 Starting Picard from 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MusicBrainz Picard\\library.zip\\picard\\tagger.pyo'
D: 09:04:32 Platform: Windows-8-6.2.9200 CPython 2.7.6
D: 09:04:32 Versions: Picard 1.4.0dev5 (win_20160823100204), PyQt 4.10.3, Qt 4.8.5, Mutagen 1.27, Discid discid 1.1.0, libdiscid 0.6.1
D: 09:04:32 Configuration file path: C:/Users/davit/AppData/Roaming/MusicBrainz/Picard.ini
D: 09:04:32 User directory: C:\Users\davit\AppData\Roaming\MusicBrainz\Picard
D: 09:04:32 Using locale 'en_US.cp1252'
D: 09:04:32 Loading gettext translation, localedir='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale'
D: 09:04:32 Loading gettext translation (picard-countries), localedir='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MusicBrainz Picard\\locale'
D: 09:04:32 IOError(2, 'No translation file found for domain')
D: 09:04:32 _ = <function <lambda> at 0x0303C570>
D: 09:04:32 N_ = <function <lambda> at 0x02629D30>
D: 09:04:32 ungettext = <function _ungettext at 0x0303C770>
D: 09:04:32 ugettext_countries = <function _ugettext_countries at 0x0303C7F0>
D: 09:04:32 ugettext_attributes = <function _ugettext_attributes at 0x0303C830>
D: 09:04:32 NetworkDiskCache dir: C:/Users/davit/AppData/Local/MusicBrainz/Picard/cache/picard/
D: 09:04:32 NetworkDiskCache size: 2912505 / 104857600
D: 09:04:32 Looking for plugins in directory 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MusicBrainz Picard\\plugins', 17 names found
D: 09:04:32 Loading plugin u'Add Cluster As Release' version 0.6, compatible with API: 1.0
D: 09:04:32 Loading plugin u'Album Artist Website' version 0.3, compatible with API: 0.15, 0.15.1, 0.16, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
D: 09:04:32 Loading plugin 'Classic Disc Numbers' version 0.1, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:32 Loading plugin u'Generate Cuesheet' version 0.1, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:32 Loading plugin 'Disc Numbers' version 0.1, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:32 Loading plugin 'Feat. Artists Removed' version 0.2, compatible with API: 0.15, 0.16
D: 09:04:32 Loading plugin 'Feat. Artists in Titles' version 0.2, compatible with API: 0.15, 0.16
D: 09:04:32 Loading plugin u'Last.fm' version 0.4, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin u'Last.fm.Plus' version 0.14, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin u'No release' version 0.1, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin 'Release Type' version 1.2, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin u'ReplayGain' version 0.1, compatible with API: 0.15, 0.16
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin u'Sort Multi-Value Tags' version 0.1, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin u'Standardise Performers' version 0.2, compatible with API: 0.15, 0.15.1, 0.16, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin 'Title Case' version 0.1, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin u'Copy Cluster to Clipboard' version 0.1, compatible with API: 0.15
D: 09:04:33 Loading plugin u'View script variables' version 0.5, compatible with API: 1.0
D: 09:04:33 Looking for plugins in directory 'C:\\Users\\davit\\AppData\\Roaming\\MusicBrainz\\Picard\\plugins', 0 names found
D: 09:04:33 Starting the browser integration (
D: 09:04:33 WSREQ: First request to ('picard.musicbrainz.org', 80)
D: 09:04:34 WSREQ: First request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 80)
D: 09:04:34 Received reply for http://picard.musicbrainz.org:80/api/v1/plugins/: HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently) 
D: 09:04:34 Redirect to https://picard.musicbrainz.org/api/v1/plugins/ requested
D: 09:04:34 Setting rate limit for picard.musicbrainz.org:443 to 1000
D: 09:04:34 Received reply for https://musicbrainz.org:443/ws/2/collection: HTTP 200 (OK) 
D: 09:04:35 WSREQ: First request to ('picard.musicbrainz.org', 443)
D: 09:04:35 Received reply for https://picard.musicbrainz.org:443/api/v1/plugins/: HTTP 200 (OK) 
D: 09:05:00 Drop target = <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Adding files [<File u'01 Track01.mp3'>, <File u'02 Track02.mp3'>, <File u'03 Track03.mp3'>, <File u'04 Track04.mp3'>, <File u'05 Track05.mp3'>, <File u'06 Track06.mp3'>, <File u'07 Track07.mp3'>, <File u'08 Track08.mp3'>, <File u'09 Track09.mp3'>, <File u'10 Track10.mp3'>, <File u'11 Track11.mp3'>, <File u'12 Track12.mp3'>]
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'01 Track01.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'02 Track02.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'03 Track03.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'04 Track04.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'05 Track05.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'06 Track06.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'07 Track07.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'08 Track08.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'09 Track09.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'10 Track10.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'11 Track11.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Moving <File u'12 Track12.mp3'> from None to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\03 Track03.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\01 Track01.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\02 Track02.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\04 Track04.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\05 Track05.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\06 Track06.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\07 Track07.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\08 Track08.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\09 Track09.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\10 Track10.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'01 Track01.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\11 Track11.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Loading file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\12 Track12.mp3'
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'03 Track03.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'02 Track02.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'04 Track04.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'05 Track05.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'08 Track08.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'07 Track07.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'09 Track09.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'10 Track10.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'06 Track06.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'11 Track11.mp3'>
D: 09:05:00 Updating file <File u'12 Track12.mp3'>
D: 09:05:05 Clustering [<Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>]
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'01 Track01.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'02 Track02.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'03 Track03.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'04 Track04.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'05 Track05.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'06 Track06.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'07 Track07.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'08 Track08.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'09 Track09.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'10 Track10.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'11 Track11.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:05 Moving <File u'12 Track12.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:05:31 webbrowser2: http://musicbrainz.org:80/taglookup?tport=8000&artist=$$&track=&tracknum=&duration=&release=$&filename=
D: 09:07:24 Drop target = None
D: 09:09:27 webbrowser2: http://musicbrainz.org:80/taglookup?tport=8000&artist=$$&track=&tracknum=&duration=&release=$&filename=
D: 09:09:37 Reading CD using device: u'H:'
D: 09:09:37 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 80) was 303121 ms ago, starting another one
D: 09:09:37 Received reply for http://musicbrainz.org:80/ws/2/discid/Sv7rSIhIUKbr.73foqTTLsMTSdY-?cdstubs=no&inc=artist-credits+labels: HTTP 200 (OK) 
D: 09:09:44 Loading album 32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42 ...
D: 09:09:44 WSREQ: Last request to (u'musicbrainz.org', 80) was 6919 ms ago, starting another one
D: 09:09:44 Received reply for http://musicbrainz.org:80/ws/2/release/32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42?inc=release-groups+media+recordings+artist-credits+artists+aliases+labels+isrcs+collections+artist-rels+release-rels+url-rels+recording-rels+work-rels: HTTP 200 (OK) 
D: 09:09:44 Loading release u'32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42' ...
D: 09:09:44 New CoverArt for <Album 32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42 u''>
D: 09:09:44 CA Providers order: Cover Art Archive > Amazon > Whitelist > CaaReleaseGroup > Local
D: 09:09:44 There are suitable images in the Cover Art Archive for 32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42
D: 09:09:44 Trying cover art provider Cover Art Archive ...
D: 09:09:45 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('coverartarchive.org', 80) without delay
D: 09:09:45 Received reply for http://coverartarchive.org:80/release/32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/: HTTP 307 (TEMPORARY REDIRECT) 
D: 09:09:45 Redirect to http://archive.org/download/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/index.json requested
D: 09:09:45 Setting rate limit for archive.org:80 to 0
D: 09:09:45 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('archive.org', 80) without delay
D: 09:09:45 Received reply for http://archive.org:80/download/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/index.json: HTTP 302 (Moved Temporarily) 
D: 09:09:45 Redirect to http://ia600301.us.archive.org/29/items/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/index.json requested
D: 09:09:45 Setting rate limit for ia600301.us.archive.org:80 to 0
D: 09:09:45 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('ia600301.us.archive.org', 80) without delay
D: 09:09:45 Received reply for http://ia600301.us.archive.org:80/29/items/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/index.json: HTTP 200 (OK) (CACHED)
D: 09:09:45 Queuing cover art image CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/7003092077-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True)
D: 09:09:45 Downloading CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/7003092077-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True)
D: 09:09:45 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('coverartarchive.org', 80) without delay
D: 09:09:45 Received reply for http://coverartarchive.org:80/release/32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/7003092077-500.jpg: HTTP 307 (TEMPORARY REDIRECT) 
D: 09:09:45 Redirect to http://archive.org/download/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42-7003092077_thumb500.jpg requested
D: 09:09:45 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('archive.org', 80) without delay
D: 09:09:46 Received reply for http://archive.org:80/download/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42-7003092077_thumb500.jpg: HTTP 302 (Moved Temporarily) 
D: 09:09:46 Redirect to http://ia600301.us.archive.org/29/items/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42-7003092077_thumb500.jpg requested
D: 09:09:46 WSREQ: Starting another request to ('ia600301.us.archive.org', 80) without delay
D: 09:09:46 Received reply for http://ia600301.us.archive.org:80/29/items/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/mbid-32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42-7003092077_thumb500.jpg: HTTP 200 (OK) (CACHED)
D: 09:09:46 Saving image data 79df57ef88f74c174f510efa701bdea3 to 'c:\\users\\davit\\appdata\\local\\temp\\picardkgwyhy.jpg'
D: 09:09:46 Cover art image stored to metadata: CaaCoverArtImage(url=u'http://coverartarchive.org/release/32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42/7003092077-500.jpg', types=[u'front'], is_front=True) [w=298 h=300 mime=image/jpeg ext=.jpg datalen=11627 file=c:\users\davit\appdata\local\temp\picardkgwyhy.jpg]
D: 09:09:46 Album 32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42 loaded: Liszt; Jorge Bolet - Concert Studies / Consolations / Réminiscences de Don Juan
D: 09:11:23 Drop target = <Album 32d95cf0-f1fc-45e4-8dcf-be1cc582eb42 u'Concert Studies / Consolations / R\xe9miniscences de Don Juan'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'01 Track01.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'02 Track02.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'03 Track03.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'04 Track04.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'05 Track05.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Track 67d5cb72-6aff-4d54-b3ea-3b5b71ca11e6 u'Three Concert Studies, S. 144: III. Un sospiro'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'06 Track06.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Track 691d379d-f31d-4a90-bfca-90e2eeab7b9c u'Consolations, S. 172: No. 1. Andante con moto'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'07 Track07.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Track 726552f6-bbbb-4461-8700-196eb6c833a2 u'Consolations, S. 172: No. 2. Un poco pi\xf9 mosso'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'08 Track08.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Track f8776ea1-a9bb-4e75-acfe-e38990ce21fc u'Consolations, S. 172: No. 3. Lento placido'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'09 Track09.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Track 73d3057f-270b-4d8c-a3f3-2ae828f93ba5 u'Consolations, S. 172: No. 4. Quasi adagio'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'10 Track10.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Track dce91148-3a2d-4384-bf35-681bea14e2ab u'Consolations, S. 172: No. 5. Andantino'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'11 Track11.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'>
D: 09:11:23 Moving <File u'12 Track12.mp3'> from <Cluster u'$'> to <Track b00b9bec-d425-4965-8f4b-66324b3de602 u'R\xe9miniscences de Don Juan, S. 418'>
D: 09:11:23 Removing <Cluster u'$'>
D: 09:12:07 Drop target = <Track f70e1e1b-c78f-4bbd-9c1c-accf4c08e8dd u'Two Concert Studies, S. 145: I. Waldesrauschen'>
D: 09:12:07 Moving <File u'01 Track01.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Track f70e1e1b-c78f-4bbd-9c1c-accf4c08e8dd u'Two Concert Studies, S. 145: I. Waldesrauschen'>
D: 09:12:13 Drop target = <Track ba8bc575-63bc-4e56-b8c2-391273fd1429 u'Two Concert Studies, S. 145: II. Gnomenreigen'>
D: 09:12:13 Moving <File u'02 Track02.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Track ba8bc575-63bc-4e56-b8c2-391273fd1429 u'Two Concert Studies, S. 145: II. Gnomenreigen'>
D: 09:12:16 Drop target = <Track a9a51e24-629e-402f-92b8-ef36bc3271ba u'Three Concert Studies, S. 144: I. Il lamento'>
D: 09:12:16 Moving <File u'03 Track03.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Track a9a51e24-629e-402f-92b8-ef36bc3271ba u'Three Concert Studies, S. 144: I. Il lamento'>
D: 09:12:20 Drop target = <Track c22b95e1-e13d-447b-b06a-ab8228a683d2 u'Three Concert Studies, S. 144: II. La leggierezza'>
D: 09:12:20 Moving <File u'04 Track04.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Track c22b95e1-e13d-447b-b06a-ab8228a683d2 u'Three Concert Studies, S. 144: II. La leggierezza'>
D: 09:12:23 Drop target = <Track 2d132218-0212-499d-9c2d-2273366dc959 u'Consolations, S. 172: No. 6. Allegretto sempre cantabile'>
D: 09:12:23 Moving <File u'11 Track11.mp3'> from <Cluster u'Unmatched Files'> to <Track 2d132218-0212-499d-9c2d-2273366dc959 u'Consolations, S. 172: No. 6. Allegretto sempre cantabile'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'01 Track01.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\01 Track01.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'02 Track02.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'03 Track03.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'04 Track04.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'05 Track05.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'06 Track06.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'07 Track07.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\01 Track01.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\01 Two Concert Studies, S. 145_ I. Waldesrauschen.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\02 Track02.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'08 Track08.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'09 Track09.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'10 Track10.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'11 Track11.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'12 Track12.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\02 Track02.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\02 Two Concert Studies, S. 145_ II. Gnomenreigen.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\03 Track03.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'01 Two Concert Studies, S. 145_ I. Waldesrauschen.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'02 Two Concert Studies, S. 145_ II. Gnomenreigen.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\03 Track03.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\03 Three Concert Studies, S. 144_ I. Il lamento.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\04 Track04.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'03 Three Concert Studies, S. 144_ I. Il lamento.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\04 Track04.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\04 Three Concert Studies, S. 144_ II. La leggierezza.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\05 Track05.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'04 Three Concert Studies, S. 144_ II. La leggierezza.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\05 Track05.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\05 Three Concert Studies, S. 144_ III. Un sospiro.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\06 Track06.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'05 Three Concert Studies, S. 144_ III. Un sospiro.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\06 Track06.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\06 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 1. Andante con moto.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\07 Track07.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'06 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 1. Andante con moto.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\07 Track07.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\07 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 2. Un poco pi\xf9 mosso.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\08 Track08.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\08 Track08.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\08 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 3. Lento placido.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\09 Track09.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'07 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 2. Un poco pi\xf9 mosso.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\09 Track09.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\09 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 4. Quasi adagio.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\10 Track10.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'08 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 3. Lento placido.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'09 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 4. Quasi adagio.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\10 Track10.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\10 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 5. Andantino.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\11 Track11.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'10 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 5. Andantino.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\11 Track11.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\11 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 6. Allegretto sempre cantabile.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Saving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\12 Track12.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'11 Consolations, S. 172_ No. 6. Allegretto sempre cantabile.mp3'>
D: 09:12:32 Moving file u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\12 Track12.mp3' => u'D:\\Sons\\$$\\$\\12 R\xe9miniscences de Don Juan, S. 418.mp3'
D: 09:12:32 Updating file <File u'12 R\xe9miniscences de Don Juan, S. 418.mp3'>

I notice the order of operations is a bit unexpected around 09:12:32, as if Picard was using 2 threads. Couldn’t this sometimes trigger my issue?