I’m trying to get Picard to recognize it on Ubuntu 22.04 using the “Scan” and “Lookup” features. It is finding absolutely no matches. I’ve tried taking one track from the album and purging most of the ID3 values and then adding tags back in using only the MusicBrainz Recording ID. This has worked in the past to get one track to get recognized in Picard. I can then drop the other tracks onto the matched album in the right pane. But, this particular album is being very stubborn. How do I force the match?
EDIT: I’ve been playing around with Picard more and saw the “Search for similar tracks…” option when right-clicking on the track I’m trying to match. That does produce a lot of matches, but none of them are for the album that I know balls to bone is the right match.
Can you click “Lookup in browser”, reload the release page, and then click the green “tagger” button (on the release page) to convince Picard to load it?
Two notes on why you might not have received results from Scan or Lookup:
Scan could not find the recordings because there have been no acoustic fingerprints submitted for this release. You can help improve the database once you have manually matched the files to the release (see the answers above) and then submit the AcoustID fingerprints.
Lookup uses the existing tags, most notably album, album artist and track title, to look for matches on MusicBrainz. If you remove those tags Lookup is of little use. Rather if you don’t get results in can help making sure those tags contain something useful. And you have also multiple ways to manually load any release. See the answers above or Manual Lookup — MusicBrainz Picard v2.10 documentation and Lookup in Browser — MusicBrainz Picard v2.10 documentation
Thanks to all three of you, @derat, @IvanDobsky. I used the method demonstrated by @IvanDobsky, but all three of you had useful information in resolving this issue.