Picard v2.9 and Broken Plugins

The recent release of Picard v2.9 included some changes to the MusicBrainz API helper code which seems to have broken the “Submit ISRC” and “Submit Folksonomy Tags” plugins. The plugins still look like they are working, but when the information is being sent to MusicBrainz the transfer fails with no obvious indication to the user.

I have updated both plugins so that they work with the new version of Picard but are still backward compatible with the previous version. The updates are available on the Picard Plugins website, and should be available through the plugins page of the option settings in Picard. If you use either of these plugins, please update them as soon as you can.

It has long bothered me that you had to go to the plugins page in the option settings to check if an update was available, because I rarely change option settings now that I have things working pretty much as I like. It was only by accident that I noticed the Submit ISRC plugin wasn’t working. To avoid missing that a plugin update is available, I have submitted a small code change to have Picard check if updates are available for your installed plugins when the program is started and pop up an information dialog to let the user know. I’ve also added a new option setting to allow the user to enable/disable this check. This is still being reviewed so I don’t know when it will be available, although we’re targetting Picard v3.0. If you want to track the progress or vote for it, I suggest that you watch the ticket.


@rdswift Bob - Did your changes include functionality to report to the user if the submissions fail in the future?

That was always there. The problem is that the call was failing within Picard itself, and there was no error being returned to the plugin calling the function.

On the ticket, @UltimateRiff added a comment as follows:

I wonder if another good (or perhaps a better) solution might be to automatically update any plugins? unless Picard already does that, idk… either way, we could have both options~

I’m copying it here because I think it warrants more discussion from a wider audience. My response was:

I’m hesitant to have the program automatically make changes, but that’s probably just my natural paranoia as a result of having used Windows for too long. :wink:

Personally, I would prefer to have the final say as to whether or not an update is applied. That way I know what’s happening and I know that I’ve approved the changes. As you say, that could be an option setting but the code change would be much more substantive (and another potential source of error), and I fear that it would open the door to more user complaints about Picard making unexpected changes and not working properly.

I’m not dismissing the suggestion outright, but I think it needs a bit more discussion. Perhaps it should be discussed in the Community Forum?

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that’s understandable~ I do think it should be an opt-in option at least tho~