Picard 2.10 font sizes

I have just upgraded one of my monitors, so now running in 4K.

Win10, OS font scaling @ 150%, 3840x2160 resolution

Picard seems to have a “diddy text” issue on buttons and toolbar. Someone needs to buy @outsidecontext a big monitor for Xmas.

The rest of the GUI is an ideal size, until you open the Options and diddy text again.

My guess is the diddy text is not following the font scaling of the OS? Notice how on the Options image you see lists \ tree views are scaled, but the button titles, text boxes and labels don’t scale.

Until then I can use “Zoom Mode” and just move closer to the screen… but thought you’d like the feedback as more people move to larger screens. :slightly_smiling_face:

The funny thing is I still have a 1080p monitor on the left as my second screen. That has also now got the same diddy font issue. No doubt due to the settings on Monitor number 1.

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I know from other projects that getting scaling right is complicated on Windows - there are specific high-res mode, and lots of Windows settings that you need to take account of.


I guess the point is that the button is a kind of image, not a pure font.

@Sophist - yeah, I do have experience of how complex it is. Realise it is not just a simple tick box. Especially if no monitor to hand to try things on. Happy to be here to test anything if experiments happen in some daily builds.

This is not important, just feedback.

@Deleted_Editor_2071313 - no, they are not images. Just font scaling is black magic which may require evil maths.

Do you know “black magic” and “evil” or not?

Advice for @outsidecontext

Monitor width:

24" - 540 mm
27" - 612 mm
32" - 708 mm

We have the following reasonable resolutions to choose from:

FullHD 1980x1020
WQHD 2560x1440
4k 3840x2160

I have a 27-inch monitor with WQHD resolution.

The pixel size is 612mm/2560=0.24mm

I don’t need to increase DPI. Fonts are legible.

If someone buys a 27-inch 4k monitor, its pixel size will be 612/3840 = 0.16 mm and the font will have to be enlarged.

Moreover, if you play computer games, the graphics card on a 4k monitor has more pixels to calculate, so the FPS drops.

Another example is a FullHD laptop.

In this case, the pixel is 340mm/1980=0.17mm and Windows itself proposes a DPI of 125%.

Yes, the issue is known. There is also a ticket about this.

The problem is that this is really an issue between Qt5 and Windows, and there is no good solution to it from Picard’s perspective. For some odd reasons some UI elements on Windows won’t scale. On There are also varying results between systems and probably also Picard versions (die to different Qt versions being used).

I hope that’ll get solved by the Qt6 upgrade.


That makes sense. Good you already know about it.

I’ll watch out for that and try out any builds that may appear. Should get fixed quicker if this is hitting other Qt5 apps.

Thanks for the details.

Interesting, I don’t have any issues with font scaling on Windows 10 with 3840x2160 @ 175% currently.
Neither with Picard 2.9 (which was still installed until today) nor 2.10…

I think I had to change the high DPI settings for the Picard executable in the past because there were issues with scaling (about 4 years ago). Mine were set to Override High DPI Scaling Behavior and System (Enhanced) but I just disabled these and it made no difference for me anymore (scaling-wise, but the fonts are now a bit sharper).

Edit: Maybe your monitors are using different scaling values (like 100% and 150%) and that is causing parts of the application to be confused in which pixel size they should display?


You are correct the two monitors are on different scaling.
28" Iiyama, 150%, 3840x2160
24" Dell, 100%, 1920x1200

I didn’t specifically set anything. Just let Windoze do its thing and it seems good for most apps.

A Qt error makes a lot of sense due to what is affected is GUI furniture like buttons.

Setting those OS override options has restored the normal size of the diddy text. Useful to know that is there. Thanks

Maybe we can set these override settings in the application manifest.

In theory Qt5 apps should be high DPI aware. But it could well be that some Windows compatibility thing and Qt5 interfere with each other.

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I am not touching any compatibility option in the screenshots. I just let the apps do what they want to do. This is just running as default user settings.

I just ignore this problem because it’s on my laptop, which I don’t tag with, but with multiple monitors I have this too, yay :smiley:
Maybe it’s helpful info.

Win11, Picard 2.10, text/app Scale 200% (recommended), resolution 2736 x 1824.

On the Surface, external monitor not plugged in:

With external monitor plugged in:

Can provide monitor specs if wanted.

I like this example - it actually jumps in the other direction.

Nah, I meant that probably Windows applies some compatibility handling unless the application states otherwise. But I checked, and that System (Enhanced) setting @kellnerd found is not a general solution anyway. It makes all the elements look blurry. I think it disables scaling by the application and instead just sizes the rendered window up.

Anyway, I checked on my system with Qt6, and it solves the issue, at least on my system. The full UI gets rescaled as expected.

I’ll see that we finally get a first test release with Qt6 out in the not too distant future (but definitely not this year anymore). I got distracted a bit in the last weeks by work, Christmas suddenly coming up without a warning and a shiny side project :wink: