Personal MB server

You are not alone, I would say that a large chunk of MB devotees have OCD and hyper-focus tendencies, at least :stuck_out_tongue:

It sounds a little bit like you are sidestepping the issue - even tagging just your own files can be years of work (especially if you are avoiding other things that need to be done). It might be helpful to establish some obtainable goalposts. For instance, tag 3 albums a day, and rather than aiming to have your whole collection perfectly ASAP see it as a long term task that you enjoy. On that note, if you don’t enjoy sorting your music at all, my 100% honest advice would be to hit delete on your collection and use a music streaming service. I have done this with some file ‘hoards’ (that I felt obliged to tidy) and it is a huge load off.

For me, one of the benefits of editing a global database is that I’m adding to the global pool of knowledge and culture - I find it much more satisfying than when I spent hours and days fixing files on my HDD for my own use. To disappear along with me when my time is up. And it’s easier to tell friends and family what I’m up to when they ask haha. It is a noble pursuit!


This is a very high objective (for me)! :sweat_smile:

I would say 2 releases per week.
It leaves a little bit of time to listen to the records and also to experience real life stuff. :wink:

My average is 4 releases per week.

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Haha, tagging three albums in the existing collection, not necessarily add to MB with full relationships and scans etc!

For scans etc I try to limit myself to one album per day (doesn’t mean I do one every day, it just means when I do it I stop after one). But I’m letting myself go wild over the holidays :sunglasses:

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