November 25, 2024, 7:17pm
Meeting start: IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
Meeting wiki page: MetaBrainz Meeting - MusicBrainz Wiki
Last meeting: 2024-11-18
Next meeting: 2024-12-02
@reosarevok : Welcome to another MetaBrainz Monday Meeting!
[mailed in] Last week I worked on fixing some GitHub CI issues with the Solr and ZooKeeper Ansible roles. I was then able to test various changes in my development branches and merge them.
I also created a couple of branches in our main Ansible repo, one for resolving some deprecation warnings and another in preparation for the Solr 9.7.0 upgrade. These will be raised as PRs this week. 2. 2.
[mailed in] Last week I had little time, I’m currently alone with the kids. Also I fell sick on the weekend, but already feeling a bit better today. Managed to do some support on the forums and some code review today, though.
Last week I started implementing support for relationships to the BB code which inserts imports into the database.
Looks like a simple task in theory with all the functions already being there for regular entities and only three mandatory attributes per relationship, but it isn’t.
With two of these attributes being the source and target entity BBID which we don’t know and require even more data to be inserted first, there is still quite a bit of work ahead until I have a version which I can even test.
Other than that I fixed two small issues with my userscript bundler, plus the usual Harmony support.
This last week I did some more reading on proxmox (which I believe we were partway into discussing last week but had to leave partway finished since mayhem had to go to a board mtg)
I also did some testing on some security related tools zas and I were looking at (very exploratory stage, no changes anticipated for MeB infra at least for now) and ended up filing an upstream bug report for one of em
This week my time is a bit limited due to 'murican holidays but I am planning to continue the above + work on 2 things w/ our main Ansible repo: bringing compat up to date with current upstream support & linting where relevant
It is agreed to drop them. The plan is to keep them with a snarky farewell message and redirect to bsky/mastodon accounts.
Sorry to bIt is also agreed to create alternate accounts on bsky + mastodon for all the main projects (currently there is only MeB + LB on bsky).
Read the logs here .
block temp email domains
Pretty much everyone agrees with this. That temporary domains are useful for some situations, but not appropriate for MeB accounts. Read the logs here .
reosarevok - “no rush with it but I’ll put it on my list”
Technical discussion ensues, no decisions made yet. Read the logs here .
Absent: jasje (studying!), lucifer (1), akshaaatt (1)
Ah, funny pun.
Should we also remove and URL relationships?
For some time now, it’s been impossible to see any content without account.
Wrong link to 5403761
It should be
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November 27, 2024, 5:42pm
Link fixed, thanks!
I believe @reosarevok is already looking into updating links etc to Bluesky/Mastodon
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I don’t think we should, since editors who still have Twitter accounts can see them at least (might be good to start up a new topic, if discussion continues on this)
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November 28, 2024, 3:56am
Oh I misunderstood, url relationships in the database, im they should stay. I don’t think this internal change means that we are dictating what other people and artists can and should use.
What reo looked at updating is the links to our social channels, from the MeB websites, footers, etc.
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