Meeting start: IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
This week was quite productive :). I worked on extending the presently written functions for fetching multiple entities.
Also, completed the work for the release group info. And started out (and close to completed) work for fetching info of releases.
Other than that, worked on the broken spotify integration in CB (CB-261 ), since spotify now requires OAuth tokens. Also, fixed some minor bugs in the browse release group pages.
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
Well, we launched the user survey last wednesday and so far it’s been a great success
we have 438 responses already
There are already a bunch of really interesting results, for example a lot of people apparently weren’t aware of some more niche entity types and the other MeB projects, so hopefully they’ve learned something new
We’ve also gotten tons of feedback from the free-form text questions
The general consensus seems to be that MB is at a 4 out of 5 right now but getting started can be quite difficult (so nothing new there)
Anyway, we’ve also found out a whole lot about our user demographics, for example that the median age seems to be somewhere in the thirties
With quite a lot of users being in their fourtiers and fifties
But I’m planning to write two blog posts on the survey, one on the general feedback and one on the demographics
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
most of the work was on the CB again. helping gsoc students, fixing, and deploying stuff
discussed some issues in SIR with mineo, hope to make some progress there soon
overall didn’t get much done since I’ve been sick all week (and still am)
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
So I started this week by switching bookbrainz-site from using npm to using yarn
Two days later I switched back the other way
Turns out that neither have great lockfiles at the moment (for exact dependency versions between environments)
Anyway, after that, I got some useful work done and upgraded a couple of dependencies, which pretty much finishes the dependency upgrade work for another few months
Then I reverted the change that enabled the new entity editor for creator entities, and made the first BB release for about 10 months
In the process I ditched Docker for BookBrainz in production because it adds a ton of unnecessary complexity for no real benefit in our situation
And at the same time I also added
so BookBrainz is now logging requests and the response times in InfluxDB
I’d like to work with zas to set up something integrated with the other MeB projects on the shared Grafana, so this is just a prototype really
[@Freso : I feel like ditching Docker is the wrong way to go, if we’re using Docker for literally everything else.]
Everything else is a lot more complicated to deploy without Docker
BookBrainz is about 5 steps
It was a tricky decision but one that can always be unmade when we decide another way
Anyway next I’ll be looking at improving our select inputs across our editing pages
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
1 vote in favour, 1 abstain vote, and 1 vote against the proposed dedication. Due to the lack of feedback, @Rob and @Quesito will come up with something on their own.
IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
@samj1912 notes that i’s render weirdly on MetaBrainz sites under Linux in some instances.
It was suggested that @samj1912 made a more clear case with an alternative and files a ticket on Jira. @LordSputnik suggested to also get @samj1912 hooked up with BrowserStack to get screenshots of issue and proposed fix(es) across several browsers and platforms.