Notes from #MetaBrainz Meeting 2017-03-27

MetaBrainz Meeting 2017-03-27

Meeting start: IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs


  • Reviews
  • DR: CB-244: Implement a rating system
  • Picard feat. plugin
  • picard-plugins issue tracking
  • DR: OTHER-290: Deactivate click-to-edit descriptions on jira tickets
  • picard-plugins & Travis
  • DR: MBS-9248: Don’t show the artist name in the tool-tip if it’s the same as the sort name



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DR: CB-244: Implement a rating system

IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs

Resuming discussion from a couple of weeks ago after some new suggestions have emerged, as outlined on the ticket.

The remaining question was «whether we want to have separate ratings on reviews», that is, whether ratings in CritiqueBrainz should be stored separately from reviews or not.

After some discussion, there was mostly consensus about the approach suggested by @bitmap, in allowing multiple reviews (CB-187) and allowing reviews to consist only of ratings. However, @Rob wanted to sleep on it and give his input the following day, so it was approved with the caveat that @Rob doesn’t have any objections.

Picard feat. plugin

IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs

Since @reosarevok requested a “feat.” plugin at the last meeting, @samj1912 (aka. a wizard) has made one.

picard-plugins issue tracking

IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs

There was general agreement about this notion, but @Sophist was not around to present their arguments.

It was decided to keep picard-plugins issues on GitHub, but that we can bring it up again another week if @Sophist (or someone else) wants to.

DR: OTHER-290: Deactivate click-to-edit descriptions on jira tickets

IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs

@Freso disabled the “click-to-edit” feature on Jira tickets as per OTHER-290, which unfortunately meant that a lot of things other than just the text fields were no longer “click-to-edit”-able.

It was decided to revert the toggle to re-enable the feature and try and come up with another way to disable it for the text fields.

picard-plugins & Travis; DR: MBS-9248: Don’t show the artist name in the tool-tip if it’s the same as the sort name

Deferred until next meeting, due to lack of time.