#MetaBrainz Kind-of Meeting 2024-04-01
Meeting start: IRC Logs for #metabrainz | MetaBrainz Chatlogs
Meeting wiki page: MetaBrainz Meeting - MusicBrainz Wiki
Last meeting: 2024-03-25
Next meeting: 2024-04-08
@rob : perhaps the meeting itself was an april fools joke?
Narrator: Nobody was sure. So the meeting kind of went ahead.
[mailed in] [couscous4304] Apologies for the busy week. I didn’t get to work too much on the tasks.
However, I did visit my grandparents’ place, and I am feeling very loved and happy. : D
Regarding my little progress, I delved deeper into the part that I overlooked when writing my proposal on revamping the listen importer, thanks to Lucifer for pointing it out.
I will address these issues in an updated version very soon.
Additionally, I received some feedback on my open PRs, and I will be working on them this week. Full throttle ahead!
[mailed in] Last week I continued learning about Solr and working on the Ansible role. I managed to get a 2 node SolrCloud cluster running locally with the mbsssss schema and query response writer installed, which was deployed and configured using Ansible. I’m hoping to get the role more or less finished this week so we can setup the new Solr 9 environment and start performing some testing.
@rob : shit, sorry, I didn’t really want to start the meeting. my goal was to post the updates and the we all run. lol.
[Tarun_0x0] last week i finished working on [BB-760: When elasticsearch configuration is missing, server crashes]
also made some mockup for BB entity editor but wasnt able to decide on any
and finalized my gsoc proposal
and again i started working on BB “author credit unset” problem with a new solution idea by monkey , but i got stucked in a part
hopefully i will get through it soon
@reosarevok : Last call, closing the kinda sorta meeting in two minutes if not
OK, everyone have a good free day or not free day as appropriate!
Thanks for attending, or not attending
I have spotted a French April Fool, starting with a Y.