Norton critical (and other heavily annotated/supplimented) editions and edition groups

I’m planning on adding a norton critical edition of a book and i’m wondering if it should be in its own edition group or not. the help section says that editions should be in the same edition group with different forwards/intros but i’m not sure if that extends to adding copious footnotes and several supplementary works.

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Hi kaza23,
We also use the “normal” edition group for critical editions. There are also many editions with extensive footnotes that do not have the designation “critical edition” and many intermediate levels. Separating different edition levels would be very complicated.


Generally, yes; you can add the additional works (introductions, etc.) to this edition as separate works with their own author.

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I’m just wondering how far it goes, since in this specific book there are about 5 times the number of supplemental works added in (both criticism and other related works from the time) that take up slightly over half the book.

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Yes, sometimes the additional material takes up more space than the original work, but as long as that work is the focus of the edition (this should be evident in the title of the edition: “Critical edition of …” or “Work x + additional materials”) separate edition groups are not a reasonable option, I think.


Exactly. I think that’s actually one of the main benefits of the way BB works. There are many editions with the same title, but what they contain can be very different. This way, you can know what the book actually contains, besides the work in the title.