Need some help with strings related to option profiles

I’m trying to get the following strings to come up in Picard 2.7 beta 2, but I can’t figure out how to trigger them (and I need the context to translate them):

Enabled tagging scripts of 1%i found:
Enabled providers of 1%i listed:
List of 1%i items
Unknown value format

They are al from picard/ui/options/, so they probably have to do with the option profiles settings. Any help appreciated. :slight_smile:


It’s a bit tricky, but those are all displayed as tooltips for option profile items, such as:


But to set those you’d need to create an option profile, then change the corresponding settings. Unfortunately there seems to be some issue with saving profile settings. Usually if a profile is enabled the settings that are profile dependent should end up in this profile. But that does not seem to work in beta 2, when I save with enabled profile the values are not preserved.

@rdswift Do you know more?

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I imagined they would be tooltips, but whatever options I tried, I just kept getting the tooltip “None”‌. The tooltip from your screenshot is still rather cryptic. Is “5” the name of the options profile?

Nope. It’s supposed to work as you described. I’ll have to do some testing and see what’s changed.

EDIT: I just tested it here running from the current source and it worked fine. One problem I did find was that enabling or disabling a profile from the main screen (not through the Options settings pages) doesn’t update the file naming script shown as selected in the selector on the main screen (again not through the Options settings pages). I created a ticket.

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Actually, it means that there were 5 tagging scripts found and the enabled script is named “AB”.


I haven’t got screen shots for you, but here is a bit of a description of each of the items that I hope will help.

Enabled tagging scripts of 1%i found:

This is a line that tells you the number of tagging scripts found in the configuration, with the name of the currently selected script on the following line.

Enabled providers of 1%i listed:

This tells you the number of coverart providers found in the configuration, with the the currently enabled providers listed on the following lines.

List of 1%i items

This tells you how many items are in the list for the option (e.g. Genres to include or exclude) with the items listed on the following lines.

Unknown value format

This was a fallback displayed if the value of a setting was non-standard (i.e. not a string, number or list) or couldn’t be displayed in a tooltip.