Need help with the word “viol”

Google Translator can’t handle it in Weblate.



Also know as violoncello (the “small large viol”), it is the medium bass member of the modern violin family and a principal member of the symphony orchestra.

in Polish:

Znana również jako wiolonczela („mała duża viola”), jest średnim basowym instrumentem w rodzinie współczesnych skrzypiec i głównym członkiem orkiestry symfonicznej.

“viol” as “viola” - it doesn’t mean anything

Only Viola is little Violetta (female name). :wink:

You need to talk to the Instrument Inserter as to its true definition. Something connected to the violin family

( I flipped the language on the Wikidata article to see what happened… but it probably don’t make sense as it is computer output :joy: Wikiwakidata can often be weirdly out of sync in other languages…)

A problem for long autumn evenings. :wink: