Hi everyone! New user here. I just started using MusicBrainz Picard a couple of days ago to sort my MASSIVE music collection of 70.000+ songs. I’ve tried adjusting the script a couple of times, with help from the Scripting page and scripts suggested in several topics. But I just can’t seem to get the hang of it. Could you please help me out?
This is the structure I want to have (and already pretty much do):
Alphabetical letter of first name/Artist/Year - Album/Disc number (if there’s more than one)/Track number (with a 0 if <10) - Title.
But there’s a couple of extra things I want that I can’t seem to get right.
- I want the ‘Feat.’ moved from the artist tag to the title tag.
- I want bands with ’ The’ (such as The Beatles) classified under the B folder, but still have the main folder set as ‘The Beatles’ and not ‘Beatles, The’. The end result would be Music/B/The Beatles/1965 - Help!/01 - Help!.mp3
- I want albums with various artists named under the main album artist. The tags from various artists should still be included in the file, I just want the files all in the same folder. For example: The soundtrack to Catch Me If You Can is composed by John Williams. There are also songs on there by Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole. What I want is them all under Music/J/John Williams/2002 - Catch Me If You Can (but with the original tags intact, this only for folder structure).
I know some things aren’t traditional, such as sorting artists by their first name but this is what I’m used to. I wouldn’t want to look under W for John Williams and see the folder ‘John Williams’ and I also don’t like seeing ‘Williams, John’.
Thanks in advance for helping out!