MusicBrainz Picard 2.2.2 crashes on macOS 10.15 Catalina

When I try to login to my MusicBrainz account using the ‘General’ tab of the Preferences pain. The app crashes every time i click ‘Make It So’.

Every time it crashes, macOS generates a crash log.
If I submit the report, does it make its way to the app developers?

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post it on here so we can look at it. do you have any plugins running or any thing? are you looking up music when you are tying to log in?

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Thanks for the bug report. I can’t reproduce this here, but what would help is getting the log output of Picard. In case of crashes best is to start Picard from the terminal in debug mode. Open a terminal and type:

"/Applications/MusicBrainz" --debug

This assumes you have placed Picard in your Applications folder, adapt the path if this is not the case. Picard should start, now make it crash and post the entire output on the terminal here. This then hopefully will give a crash reason.


I would like to see this issue fixed, but I can’t narrow it down without further information. Could you provide the debug output? Also do you have any plugins enabled?

What would also help is your config file, which you can find in $HOME/.config/MusicBrainz/Picard.ini. Please just make sure to open it in a text editor and removing any personal information before submitting it. Especially the lines starting with oauth_access_token and oauth_refresh_token.


A post was merged into an existing topic: macOS 10.15 Cataline - Error Message on Attempt to Install Update 2.2.2

Hi there, newbie here, have got MB.P 2.2.3 but macbook pro running catalina will not let me install, nor given any access through security settings.
Would very much like to be a participant!
Any help gratefully received.

Here’s how you can get it to run:


Any resolution with this? I’m having a similar issue: it’ll crash for no immediately apparent reason. I am new to this product and hoping I’m posting in the correct place. I will follow up with a dump after I restart (again) but this time from a command line prompt with debug turned on, as suggested. Thank you!

===>Update: the command line example above is incorrect. (/Applications/MusicBrainz Picard/Contents/MacOS/picard-run: No such file or directory)

In my installation it was (note the backslash):
/Applications/MusicBrainz\ --debug

It is impossible to provide (here) the terminal crash output dump: it’s almost 33,000 PDF pages …

Any further suggestions? I mean, this renders this useless. I can’t be the only one…

See my comment below: this command prompt line didn’t work for me. I posted below:

/Applications/MusicBrainz\ --debug