Musicbrainz Docker DB container Seg Faults on DISTINCT

Hi all.

With the musicbrainz docker container, when I run certain queries I instantly get disconnected. It’s the strangest thing.

This all used to work fine for me. But now if I run this simple query:

SELECT DISTINCT * from musicbrainz.artist a
INNER JOIN musicbrainz.artist_type at ON a.type AND IN (1,2);

I get a segmentation fault.

But if I remove the DISTINCT
SELECT * from musicbrainz.artist a
INNER JOIN musicbrainz.artist_type at ON a.type AND IN (1,2);

It works fine!!

Any ideas what would cause this?
This happens in PgAdmin and in DART…

It’s the latest updates of the musicbrainz docker because I just totally started from scratch…


Hi @rob1,

You can see exactly what happens in PostgreSQL with:

sudo docker-compose logs --follow --timestamps db

You might need to customize the memory settings for the service db; see the documentation.