MusicBrainz Android app in dire need of a maintainer

Yes. It is the correct repository and you can start working on it. I am more active on the IRC than the forums. You can ping me in #metabrainz channel with any query you have.

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Hi @yashk2000 @anmolgupta @anirudhjain75 @Mastersam Hi you all. Sorry for being this late to the thread

I was last year’s mentor and I will be mentoring this year again. I faced the same wonderings as you all, and tried to keep a manageable schedule for the GSoC. This year, we’ll try to do the same.

However I’m open to all kind of suggestions and ideas. Please, if you are still interested feel free to contact via IRC or answer here and maybe we can organize the work to the project benefits from all of you!

Thank you all and welcome to MB!

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