Music video as a release on its own: release date, cover art

I think it’s a stretch to say that a user “knows” not to add video releases.

This thread was in Jan 2022, has 1,600 views, and links to YouTube videos as releases in the OP. Not a mention of those releases needing to be deleted.

If I was active in that thread, and happened to miss mention of ‘video releases will be deleted/are not allowed for now’ elsewhere, and had spent the intervening two years of my free time adding releases, I would find other places to volunteer my time (after punching a hole in the wall, tbh).

I think comparing these users to people who purposefully ignore existing guidelines is unfair. One of our top, if not #1, complaints is that our guidelines are hard to find, not to mention that in this case there aren’t any guidelines to ignore in the first place.