A few days ago I noticed that one of my music folders had some duplicate directories, while I was not sure what the cause was I ran Musicbrainz against my collection as I had recently added some new music / wanted to try and update some files that were previously not matched.
The problem is that it appears as though the software created another level of directories so instead of having:
Artist --> Album – > Track
I am left with:
Artist --> Album -->Artist --> Album -->Artist --> Album -->Artist --> Album -->Track
Which means if I want to find a particular track to listen to I have to drill down through 8 directories for no reason. Is there a way to automatically remove these folders? If it were just a handful I would just update them manually, but there are at a minimum 500+ artists in my collection, some with multiple albums so doing this manually will take days.
Also, is there a setting I have incorrect in the software that is causing it to generate these additional folders? I don’t want to have to go through fixing them again if it is something I can avoid. First though I need to figure out a way to clear the duplicates and empty directories.