Missing lower manual lookup button OSX


I miss the lower manual lookup button in the lastest OSX version. Where can I find this?

No one has this problem? No one can tell me where this is?

What version of Picard are you using? What version of Mac OS X? How did you install Picard?

I don’t have a Mac OS X instance myself and I think only few people have, so I don’t know who would be able to help you, but answering the above questions would at least go some of the way.

Hi Freso, I am using the latest version I believe (Version 1.3.2) and the latest version of OSX El Capitan. I’ve also installed it on Windows 10 and the latest version of Picard (on the site). Same thing, I can’t find the lower lookup button.

Heya, I’m not actually sure what button you’re referring to, so maybe there’s a misunderstanding.
Do you mean in Picards interface? Perhaps a screenshot of what you’re expecting would help?

I think you mean the button that used to be in the metadata display at the bottom, right? If I remember correctly this was a lookup in browser button. That’s gone, but it is available in the toolbar, the context menu and in the “Tools” menu.