MetaBrainz Discourse forum tips and tricks

I have just discovered a very huge time saver when you want to add several hyperlinks to your already written post.

Usually I copied my URL, selected some words in my post, then pressed Ctrl+K to create the link then paste the URL then press Enter key.

I have just discovered today by mistake that I could just (stuff in bold characters is new and faster):

  1. Copy a URL from somewhere
  2. Select some words in my text
  3. Ctrl+V / Paste my URL!!

And it directly creates that [some words](my-url) I wanted!!

Isn’t it huge?

It even works on mobile!! (Kiwi Browser)
But only with the Android text select pop-up paste, not with the Google keyboard (Gboard) clipboard icon and history:

Do you have some other tricks?


It’s thanks to iamntz suggestion and gwwar implementation.


Yes — really nice feature and something I wish every markdown editor would have!

Another time saver related to that: I’m often uploading screenshots via Ctrl+V / ⌘V directly from the clipboard.