LIttle green notes in the r-hand pane on a few tracks?

I’m a rank beginner and am very frustrated just trying to learn the basics of Picard. The short video on the site was not too helpful as the author used many terms that a new user has no idea about. Plus he got lost 3/4 of the way through and just skipped over a few topics without defining them. But I digress…

Where are there some screen-shots and/or a better video that can guide me through the initial process of running Picard on a few classical files? I have the Classical plugin but am mystified by the complexity of the setups. I assume it’s running when I process my two sample albums but the tags that result are not loading into Plex sensibly.

As a test, I’m just trying to do the absolute basic operation: get a CD image into Plex that contains both Brahms and Haydn sonatas. I want to catalog my classical collection so Plex can list it by composer (I guess I have to look to Album Artist tag for that), work name, and artist. So that Brahms and Haydn CD would get split up under Brahms and Haydn as separate works. Where can a noob find some elementary help and guidance around here?

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First off, welcome to the MusicBrainz community. I hope that you find your time here both enjoyable and productive.

Now, as to documentation, there is a comprehensive Picard User Guide available on-line, which includes a Glossary of Terms, Screen Shots explaining the sections of Picard’s main screen, and an explanation of the Status Icons that can be displayed for albums (releases) and tracks.

The guide also explains all of the Configuration Options, the Scripting System including all of the Scripting Functions, and the Tags & Variables available for use in tagging and scripts.

In addition to a few tutorials (and links to some video tutorials), there are some step-by-step Recommended Workflows to use, depending on the amount and type of the information already existing in your music files and file / directory naming sctructure.

I hope this helps get you started, and of course you can always ask here in the forums if you have any specific questions.