ListenBrainz single-page application

Hi everyone!

TL;DR: New code up on beta, please use beta and report any issues :slight_smile:

Over the past few months @anshgoyal31 has been rewriting a sizeable part of the website in an effort to make it a single-page application.

In practice, what this means is that navigating across the website does not load the page from scratch anymore, the last step remaining in our quest for the Holy Grail: uninterrupted music playback as you navigate across the website, so you can go from listens to artist pages to stats to your recommendations playlists and discover new music as you go.
We even have more improvements to the music player coming very soon, hot on the heels of this new feature.

Furthermore, it allows us to better split the resources that each page loads, which translates to faster page load times and less data consumed.

This is now deployed on our beta website as of right now.
Please consider using the beta website for the coming week and let us know if you encounter any issues that we might have missed!
(Although if you are pleasantly surprised by how fast it feels,
we’d love to hear that too :stuck_out_tongue: )


It seems to load (slightly) faster indeed but not on all pages and the data transferred has increased too on some pages.

Here is your first (minor) bug report:

This is how it looks in prod:

Second (minor) bug:
In my recent listens some artist links still have target="_blank" but not all of them.
For example: does but not the others:

The only difference I notice is that Kieran Zane Roberts and albums are not yet in metadata cache. However album links in thumbnail cards don’t show this behavior.

Found some more instances where target="_blank" is still used:

  • Links in similarity card (artist, info link to stats)

Bug 3:
Links in cover art collage on artist pages don’t preserve beta. Same for playlist links on recommendations page.

Bug 4:
Album pages opened from thumbnails load immediately with a skeleton screen while opening them from the albums grid stays on current page and only when it finished loading it shows the album page.[1]

Bug 5:
When you encounter the rate limit error navigation is lost:

Bug 6:
When navigating back to fresh releases after opening album or artist the position is not restored

Bug 7:
The listening now card on my userpage doesn’t re-appear if I navigate somewhere else and then back. And worse yet it’s static and doesn’t refresh at all.

Bug 8:
When trying to open the artist page for [Various Artists] prod displayed an error with the reason: Provided artist mbid is disabled for viewing on ListenBrainz

Beta only says: Error Occured!

Bug 9:
The old raw recommendations page no longer shows a date:

Your raw tracks playlist was last updated on 27 Apr 2024.

Your raw tracks playlist was last updated on .

  1. While testing this I also noticed albums without tracklists seem to always load fast while those with a tracklist take noticeably longer to load. On second and subsequent tries it’s much faster but only for a while. ↩︎


Was it intentional to release the new SPA without bugfixes?


I’ve noticed this doesn’t just affect now playing but also other cards in the user dashboard. After navigating back from another user’s profile to mine (or vice versa) it keeps showing me that user’s data for listening now, similar users, followers and compatibility.

Bug 10: Global all-time top artists stats are broken:



Bug 11:
Stats graphs don’t align (though this was also present in prod before)

Bug 12:
Didn’t the standalone listening now page (/listening-now/) used to display a placeholder for tracks without cover art? Now it looks like this:

Bug 13:
Normally the active section is italicized and underlined in the side navigation bar:


But not so when opening while logged in where you get redirected to<username> instead of<username>/


No @chaban deploying it was not on purpose, although we have been working on fixing the issues you reported (thank you again !) so we’ll be able to have the fixes in prod very soon