ListenBrainz - BrainzPlayer Continuous Playback

Hi everyone!

TL;DR: New code up on beta; please use beta and report any issues :slight_smile:

Over the past few months, I have been working to rewrite BrainzPlayer to allow continuous music playback despite navigation. This means you can go from listens to artist pages to stats to your recommendations playlists and discover new music as you go. You can also add new tracks to a queue and enjoy listening to them.

We even have a new music player UI coming very soon, hot on the heels of this new feature.

This is now deployed on our beta website as of right now.
Please consider using the beta website for the coming week and let us know if you encounter any issues that we might have missed!


Wow, very smooth!! Amazing work!

Ahh I just saw that there is now a playback queue as well :exploding_head: :hearts:

No issues yet.

Side note, this is the first time I want to test something long-term on LB, and I am finding it tricky to stick with beta. I have made a ticket to add a beta toggle to ListenBrainz options, LB-1611.

I used to use @jesus2099’s script on MB, I wonder if that could be easily modified for LB :thinking: