Label using fictitious release dates

Those have been converted to your local timezone. The actual dates might be off by one. E.g. mod_date:

    "type": "album",
    "purchase_title": null,
    "download_desc_id": null,
    "art_id": 691435949,
    "credits": "[PC-ELEMENT自 + ベヘズト в е н е ѕ т Gχ]",
    "require_email": null,
    "killed": null,
    "release_date": "20 Apr 2036 00:00:00 GMT",
    "band_id": 1176166681,
    "artist": "WESTBOUND기차",
    "featured_track_id": 44352636,
    "require_email_0": null,
    "upc": null,
    "set_price": 700,
    "publish_date": "13 Dec 2019 07:14:11 GMT",
    "selling_band_id": 1176166681,
    "minimum_price_nonzero": 700,
    "is_set_price": null,
    "download_pref": 2,
    "private": null,
    "mod_date": "16 Dec 2019 22:15:36 GMT",
    "audit": 0,
    "id": 642352603,
    "purchase_url": null,
    "new_desc_format": 1,
    "auto_repriced": null,
    "about": "때로는 인생에서 최선을 다할 수 없습니다. 종종 우리의 부지런함은 동기 부여에 반대합니다. 마지막 기차는 어디로 갈까요?",
    "minimum_price": 0,
    "new_date": "10 Dec 2019 07:17:13 GMT"

You might want to audit all your annotations and release additions containing potentially misleading dates.

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